Understanding The Benefits Of CPVC Pipe Fittings And Pipe

by | Sep 1, 2017 | industry

There are different materials and options in piping and pipe fittings that can be used for any type of application. Choosing the best material for a particular job, even when using non-metal types of pipes and fittings will be a factor in understanding the specific requirements of the system as well as the characteristics of the different piping options.

Two of the most commonly used non-metal types of pipes for water as well as processing systems are PVC and CPVC. Without any alloys, these are considered a safer option, and they are also very durable, have extended life cycles and can provide the options in both pipe and fittings for small to large projects.

Choosing between PVC and CPVC fittings and pipe for a given construction job in any industry starts with understanding the advantages of each. Both can be used above or below ground, which makes either a good choice for water systems in residential or commercial buildings.

Temperature Ranges

For most types of applications that include the processing or transfer of hot liquids, slurries or solid particles in suspension, both PVC pipe and fittings and CPVC fittings and pipe are a good option.

The difference will come in as the temperatures rise. PVC is only used to a maximum temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit while CPVC pipe and fittings are suitable to up to 200 degrees. Using PVC with the higher temperatures results in the possibility of leaks at fittings as well as durability of the pipe itself.

Not Interchangeable

It is important to keep in mind that CPVC fittings cannot be used with PVC pipe and vice versa. This is due to the sizing issues with the pipes as PVC is sized using IPS (Iron Pipe Size) standards while CPVC is typically sold as CTS (copper tubing size).

With the differences in sizing combining the two is not recommended, even if the CPVS is specially ordered in IPS sizing.

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