How Tank Size and Number of Residents Relate to Frequency of Septic Pumping in Haines City FL

by | Jun 9, 2016 | Septic Tanks

Septic Pumping in Haines City FL must be done before a residential real estate transaction takes place. The current homeowner is responsible for having the tank pumped and the entire system inspected to make sure it is in good working order for the new owners. If nobody is sure about the size of the tank, the technicians determine an educated estimate, which lets potential buyers know whether or not the system is suitable for the size of their family.

It’s possible for a larger family to make things work with a relatively small tank, but they’ll need to have it pumped more frequently than usual. They also may need to modify some of their behavior, such as staggering showers throughout the day instead of everyone taking their showers in the early morning. In addition, it’s essential that everyone is on the same page about not flushing anything but toilet paper and human waste. Tampons, paper towels, facial tissue and sanitary wipes can quickly clog up the system and cause a backup.

Many homeowners don’t get bother to get Septic Pumping in Haines City FL as often as recommended and never experience any problems. This is probably not feasible when a family or five or more members moves into a house that was originally intended for only two or three people. It’s the reason that regulations typically require septic tank upgrades if a small house is going to have an addition of substantial size built onto it. That makes the home suitable for a larger number of residents, who then put a bigger strain on the septic system.

In general, a family of five or six people does best with a septic tank of at least 1,000 gallons. Depending on the usage, they may need to have the tank pumped every two to four years. If they move into a house with a 500-gallon tank, they may expect to need the tank pumped annually to avoid backups and expensive problems with the drain field. A company such as Septic Solutions Environmental, Inc. can provide detailed information on this subject; click here for more info.

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