7 Tips for Holding a Great Fundraising Event at School

by | Nov 6, 2015 | Shopping

Have a fundraising event to get ready for? With so many things to organize, it’s easy to get lost in the details. Here are some great tips from Tommy’s Org to help you put things in perspective:

1. Have fun. Fun is an important element of the process. When it’s fun, it can generate bigger interest from your target market. People are more likely to join or stay around. The longer they stay around, the more likely they’re going to buy something which is great news for the shop owners in your fundraising bazaar.

2. Simple ideas. When you come up with school fundraising ideas, you’ll need to remember one thing: keep it simple. The simpler it is, the more chances you have of more people joining. The more complicated the games or ideas you come up with, the less chances you have of getting your target market’s interest, much less their engagement. So appear to a wider audience. Keep your ideas simple, easy to understand and follow and you’ll get more people coming along, ready and willing to participate.

3. Keep track. Don’t forget to stay on top of things. One easy way to keep track is to put together lists of things you need to do. That will help you organize the event and keep you from forgetting any pertinent details. From a school fundraising ideas checklist—where you put all your ideas to come up and raise money—to committee tasks and responsibilities, lists will help you stay sane while you organize everything else you’ll need for a successful fundraising event.

4. Pick a date. If you’re holding the event at school, ask if you could hold it during a special school event, like a foundation day. That way, the students would be free to participate.

5. Make a budget. Make a list of all your expenses. Knowing what your budget is will also give you an idea of how much money you need to raise, which should ideally be higher than your expenses. Make room for emergency costs in your budget as well.

6. Have a story. What’s the reason you’re holding the event? Turn that reason into a story your target audience can relate with and your audience participation will surely go up.

7. Keep costs down. As a fundraiser, it’s important that you find ways to keep costs down. School fundraising ideas for one usually include bazaars. Companies like Mixed Bag Designs offers lovely, affordable products. They even ship main catalog orders for free if you meet the minimum so you can achieve your goals while keeping costs low.

Don’t get lost in the details! Whether it’s with lists or tweaking fundraising ideas, plan, stay on top of things and have fun.

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