Tips For Selecting The Best Carbonation System

by | Mar 6, 2018 | Tools and Equipment

There is a range of different types of systems that can be used for carbonating various beverages. Determining which carbonation system is the ideal choice for a given process should be based on the carbonation levels required as well as the specifics of the product.

Regardless of the specific type of carbonation system that is selected, there are general factors that need to be considered. Typically, most companies will offer in-line, conventional spray and tank systems as well as those that are very carefully controlled by automated flow meters to ensure precision through the process and accuracy between batches.

Pressure Control

A central factor in the effectiveness of any carbonation option is the ability to carefully and precisely control the pressure in the system. Without the ability to precisely manage the pressure and maintain it at a constant, there is the risk of changing the ability of the liquid to carbonate to the required levels.

Carbonation Levels

Different systems can use high or low-pressure ranges to manage the level of carbonation in the liquid. While a majority of systems tend to use high pressures with booster pumps to maintain the pressure, others use lower pressure technology.

The benefit of using low pressure for a carbonation system is the lower cost of operation. Without the need for the additional booster pumps and energy to run the system, these are a top choice for both small and large beverage production facilities.


Different types of systems require more or less physical space. For example, standard tank type of carbonation options will require the addition of the tank, while in-line systems do not need this extra equipment. Also, without the tank, there are higher levels of efficiency without any off-gassing during the process.

Taking a close look at the operating environment as well as the short and long-term production goals will always be important when choosing the ideal system for carbonation.

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