Three Tips for Moving Your House In South Wales With Children

by | Jul 10, 2013 | Moving and Relocating

The final decision for moving your house in South Wales is now final. You have already nailed down the list of possible new homes that will be a good fit for your family, and you plan to be moving fairly soon. Now comes the most difficult part — planning every aspect of the move and telling your children. No matter where you are moving to, it is usually a difficult transition for young children and teenagers.

Frankly, they are typically less than thrilled to be moving, no matter what your reasons are. Fortunately for you, there are a few steps you can take now to ease your children into the transition. Taking on the right attitude about moving your house as well as giving your children the opportunity to share in the overall experience will help to influence their feelings. Here are a few tips to help take the anxiety out of the transition.

Family Meetings are a Must

It is time for you to call a family meeting. Set the stage by providing your children’s favourite food and request that everyone eats together. If the move is the result of you receiving a job promotion or an entirely different job, give your children the details and let them know how excited you are about it. Explain that you understand how the move will impact every member of the family. Be sure to provide some clarity about how your own feelings about the move.

Give the children an opportunity to express how they feel and voice their concerns. Try to be understanding, especially if this will be their first time moving. Tell them a story about your first moving experience and share with them how much you will be depending on them to help with packing and getting settled into your new place.

Show Your Children You Value Their Opinion

To soften the trauma of moving your house in South Wales, get your children as involved in the move as possible. If you have older children they can help you with choosing your new home. After you have a good idea of which homes will be best for your family, allow the children to give you some feedback. Take them on a trip to see the home before the movers arrive or show them pictures of the inside and outside of the home.

Show Your Children How to Clear the Clutter

Give your children the responsibility of clearing out the clutter in their rooms and all over the house. Inspire them to get rid of anything they no longer use or need. Be clear about the fact that they do not have to get rid of everything. Let them know they can keep certain items, especially those that hold very important or special memories. Items that can be tossed or given away are clothes that are too small, broken toys, and out of date electronics.

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