Lawn turf is likely the best answer for a healthy and bright green grass. It can be a little difficult to get going properly. The below three questions will help cover some details about maintenance in the first few weeks of the lawn turf’s new life.
Should fertilizer be applied and if so, how often?
The first few weeks are critical to the health of the lawn. It will take some time for the lawn to settle in. In this interim period, no fertilizer should be applied. The first fertilizer can be settled after about six weeks. Some people may wait closer to eight weeks, and then it should be every six to eight weeks following the first application. Adding fertilizer early on could be problematic as the lawn is still settling in.
How much direct sunlight does it need?
It is usually recommended that the lawn turf from an Instant Lawn Supplier in McLean VA receive close to four to five hours of sunlight every day. This is direct sunlight and exposure. Speak with a team member for more on the duration of direct sunlight and what impact it has on growth.
Will the seams go away and does seam position matter?
The lawn turf will appear in sheets with seams along the edges. These seams are extremely important because they help establish the layout. In general, it does not matter whether the turf is laid out horizontally or vertically. As long as the seams are positioned against each other, the turf will be effective. The seams will settle into each other as the turf settles into the ground. It may take upwards of a month for the seams to completely disappear.
Find more information about instant lawn turf at the website for the local Instant Lawn Supplier in McLean VA. There are different things to consider when selecting a type. Even the matter of when the instant lawn is placed will have an impact on maintenance and how difficult or easy it will be to care for. Lawn turf is susceptible in the early weeks when it is still settling in. After this period, many people find instant lawn turf the most affordable and practical method for having an expansive green lawn.