The Value of Commercial Dust Suppression Systems

by | Jun 7, 2016 | Home And Garden

Today, many people are far more likely to put up with dusty conditions at work, than at home. However, you spend many hours a day at your work environment and dust suppression systems can make a big difference in the way you feel and can also help to improve business. Here are some of the many benefits of installing an effective system for limiting dust in the work place.

What is Dust Suppression?

Dust can be a hazard in many different environments, especially indoor areas where people are working. For example, cutting wood creates an enormous amount of dust and this is hazardous to breathe on a daily basis. In fact, any business processing materials can create dust from cutting, sanding, drilling, or driving equipment on dirt roads.

Dust suppression systems work to remove dust, debris, and foreign materials from the air. They are a very important part of occupational health and safety and the Environmental Protection Agency sets standards which businesses must meet in order to stay in operation.

Benefits of Dust Suppression

The most obvious benefits of suppressing dust is to make the air more breathable for everyone involved. This is especially important for people with allergies or respiratory disorders. There are many kinds of serious illness related to dust. A good suppression system can also help to prevent future respiratory problems for many workers. Here are some additional benefits:

 * Removing explosion hazards from the workplace – some dust is highly combustible and removing it creates a safer work area.

 * Fire hazards – besides explosions, it is easy for a fire to begin in very dusty conditions.

 * Fewer workman compensation claims – when you provide clean air for your workers to breathe they will enjoy better overall health over the years. This not only reduces work related health claims but provides fewer lost man hours from work. When this occurs, you lower your operating costs and increase overall efficiency.

 * Helps companies meet EPA air standards

Types of Dust Suppression Systems

When you need to limit dust, there are two basic choices to consider. You can do with a dry or wet system. A dry system typically utilizes special filters and forced air ventilation equipment. Wet systems use high pressure water vapor to effectively remove a number of contaminants from the air. Wet systems can be very efficient and effective at not only removing dust but also many types of odors. They work by placing millions of tiny water droplets into the air and they literally absorb materials, so they can be removed from the environment.

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