Problems With Ingrown Toenails? Talk To An Ingrown-Toenail Doctor

by | May 9, 2016 | Physical Therapy

A common problem for athletes is onychocryptosis, otherwise known as ingrown toenails. This condition is a common foot problem, along with athlete’s foot, bunions, corns and Achilles tendonitis. It is painful, and it demands attention. You can treat them at home, but at times it is best to consult a medical professional. An ingrown-toenail doctor will handle what could be a minor or major problem.

The Common Ingrown Toenail

Many Americans are familiar with the common ingrown toenail. It occurs when the edges of your toenails turn inwards. As a result, it grows not away but actually into the flesh of its toe. It penetrates resulting in a very sore pain that can radiate throughout your foot. While all toes can have an ingrown nail, the most common location is the big toe.

Symptoms of an Ingrown Toenail

In addition to pain in the affected and surrounding area, it is easy to recognize the symptoms of an ingrown toenail. After piercing the softer flesh of the toe, the individual experiences many of the following:

 * Redness
 * Swelling
 * Infection (may or may not occur)

The pain may be a constant throbbing that does not end, no matter how much you soak your foot, until you visit a qualified ingrown toenail doctor. They can then assess the situation and discuss remedial options.

What Are the Main Causes of Ingrown Toenails?

Foot doctors (both orthopedists and podiatrists) consider several potential causes for people suffering from ingrown toenails. Causal factors include:

 * Improper trimming: cutting the nails too short or unevenly.

 * Ill-fitting shoes: tight shoes that crowd the toes and push the toenails into the end of the shoe are a potential cause. One specific shoe that is at fault more than any other is the high heel.

 * Injury: you can injure your toenail resulting in an ingrown toenail.

 * Hereditary: for some people this seems to run in the family.

It is up to you to recognize potential problems and try to prevent ingrown toenails from occurring. If you have any questions or wonder about how best to treat the problem, talk to a toenail doctor. They can best address your fears and help you find a treatment and/or a solution to the issues.

Seeing a Specialist – an Ingrown Toenail Doctor

Seeing a specialist may not be an option of you are diabetic. If you are not, and suffer from a suspected and infected ingrown toenail, it is still essential to contact one before the problem becomes a serious one. Under the care of a professional ingrown-toenail doctor, you may not only remove the pain but also learn how best to avoid it in the future.

Are you wondering whether an ingrown-toenail doctor can help you return to a normal lifestyle? At Suburban Orthopaedics, the dedicated medical staff will provide you the answers to any questions you may have concerning your musculoskeletal system and its health. They have specialists in the diverse aspects of orthopaedics. To find out further information about how they can help you, contact the friendly and knowledgeable staff at You can also follow them on Twitter for more updates!

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