Important Parts of Your Insurance Policy

by | Apr 21, 2017 | Insurance

When you have an insurance policy there are parts of this agreement that you need to pay special attention to so you can better understand your coverage and your rights and responsibilities once you enter into the agreement with the provider. Read over your insurance policy from Suffolk County NY provers and pay special attention to the following areas:

* Terms and Conditions – This is the bulk of the policy contract and will contain the terms and conditions of the agreement. Usually this area contains important information like the monthly premiums, what your deductible or max payouts will be and how long the policy is good for before it needs to be renewed.

* Services – This part of the insurance policy lists out what is covered, to what extent, and what services can be rendered and hat work can be done under the policy terms.

* Exemptions– An equally important part of any policy is the exemptions, which lists out what is not covered and what work cannot be don under the policy terms.

* Start and End Dates – These are the dates when the contract is to be signed and officially activated for coverage as well as the time when the contract will be terminated unless future amenities are made to adjust the terms of the agreement.

* Date and Signature – The final lines of the contract usually are the spaces for all involved parties to sign and date the agreement. It is absolutely essential that these be signed and dated and that no member sign and agree to the terms without having read the policy and fully understanding what is outlined therein.

To learn more about insurance policies in Suffolk County NY and to find one that fits your unique wants and needs, browse our website and see the difference for yourself!

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