How To Tell If Body Contouring In Naperville Is Right For You

by | Sep 28, 2016 | Cosmetic Surgery

Being unhappy with your body doesn’t just affect you when you look in the mirror, it can have ripple effects throughout the rest of your life. Between finding clothes that conceal what you believe to be your imperfections, avoiding certain activities so you don’t feel exposed, and generally walking around wishing you looked different, it can be incredibly stressful. In turn, this takes a toll on your health and your mental well-being. There are cosmetic procedures that can give you the body you want, including the non-surgical option of body contouring. Here are a few tips on how to tell if body contouring in Naperville is right for you.

You Are Not A Candidate For A Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck differs from body contouring, though the two are somewhat related. Tummy tucks remove excess skin and tissue following substantial weight loss. While that procedure will remove the extra skin around the midsection, it isn’t suitable for someone who wants to lose weight in the form of fat. For these individuals, body contouring is ideal.

You Want To Target Specific Areas

In some cases, you may find that you are losing weight from one area of your body, but not another, no matter how much you diet or exercise. In these cases, body contouring is one option for targeting those specific, stubborn areas on your body.

You Don’t Want Surgical Intervention

In certain cases, surgical intervention may help remove that extra fat, but many people would prefer to avoid surgical procedures if at all possible. In addition to the considerable time off work, and the lengthy recovery period that comes along with many types of surgery, there is also the extra expense, and the risk of complications. Non-surgical procedures tend to be preferred among most people, especially when those procedures can be just as effective without the extra cost.

For more information on body contouring in Naperville, contact Center For Cosmetic & Laser Surgery online at

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