Getting The Right Wireless Security Camera System For Your Home

by | Mar 2, 2016 | Business

There are many different reasons why people may want to invest in a wireless security camera system. One of the most common is to be able to see what is going on inside or out of the home even if you are not right there on the property.

In the past, and before the availability of wireless cameras, installing a security system was a fairly complicated issue that required hard wiring the cameras into your existing electrical system or running wires to specific areas to mount the cameras.

This meant hiring an installer, and sometimes and electrician, to actually get the wired cameras up and running. It also meant limited positioning of the cameras because of the wires, something that also had drawbacks in many homes and on many properties.

Now with a wireless security camera system, it is very simple to install the system on your own. All that you will need to do is to mount the base of the camera on the wall or in the correct location inside or out of the home, turn the system on and sync the camera to the software.


Interior or Exterior

There are some wireless security camera system models that are designed to accommodate both interior and exterior cameras. It is important to make sure you select the correct type of camera for the environment it will be used.

External cameras are designed with specialized bodies and shields that are completely waterproof. Interior cameras do not have this feature and will simply stop functioning if they have any contact with water, high humidity, snow or other types of environmental moisture or debris.


Night Vision and Distance

Interior wireless security camera system models may or may not have night vision capacity while exterior cameras typically do have this added feature. Without night vision, you will need to consider additional lighting sources to create a clear image on your computer or the internet connected device you use to access the feed.

In addition to the night vision option, it is also essential to check the range of the camera and system you are interested in. The quality of the lens and other features of the camera, including IR filtering, will provide different quality of images at specific distances from the camera location.

It is worthwhile to do a search and read feedback and reviews on the wireless security camera system you are considering. Look for quality of images, the durability of the cameras and ease of installing, setting up and using the system as key considerations.

We offer a top line of wireless security camera system options for interior, exterior and combined types of cameras. To learn more see us at Birds Eye Blue at the website

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