The Difference Between Collision and Comprehensive Coverage With Car Insurance Seattle

by | May 19, 2014 | Insurance

Many people in the Pacific Northwest are confused with regards to the difference between comprehensive and collision coverage. Both collision and comprehensive pay for damage to the insured motorist’s vehicle. However, that is where the similarities end. Those who are required to have full coverage such as those with auto loans or leases need to have both coverage options since the calamities they cover do not overlap. it can be helpful for consumers to understand the difference between collision and comprehensive coverage with Car Insurance Seattle. Browse website for more information!

With collision coverage, damage to the insured motorist’s car is paid if the accident is the result of a collision while driving. The simplest example is when two vehicles collide with each other. Damage resulting from that kind of accident is covered under collision coverage. Another example when collision coverage would be used is when a motorist drives into a stationary object such as a tree. Even though the tree was not moving, the act of driving into the tree resulted in the accident.

Comprehensive coverage is used when the vehicle’s damage is not the result of driving into a nonliving object. For example, if a tree falls on top of the car, that results in a comprehensive claim. The same thing is true if vandals damage the car. For example, electronic items such as car stereos, cell phones, and GPS devices are often stolen by damaging the vehicle. That damage would be covered under comprehensive. If a deer runs into a moving vehicle, that is still considered a comprehensive claim even though the motorist was driving the vehicle. The deer is considered to have caused the accident. It’s implied that the motorist did not run into the deer. If the motorist swerves to avoid a deer and hits a tree, that is an accident where collision coverage is used to pay the claim. Hail damage and rock damage is paid via the motorist’s comprehensive policy.

When purchasing both coverage options, consumers will find that collision is usually a lot more costly than comprehensive even with a perfect driving record. Despite the cost difference, consumers should not skimp on either coverage options. Both collision and comprehensive cover many accidents. That is why it is best for most consumers to have both. Those that need more help in determining their auto insurance needs should contact the folks at SAV-ON Insurance Agencies Seattle for more help.

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