Take a Triathlon Wetsuit Rental Through Its Paces Before Race Day

by | Oct 28, 2015 | Clothing

The best way to prepare for a triathlon is to train under conditions that resemble those

most likely on race day. Most athletes do a good job of this when it comes to running and bicycling, seeking out training courses that will stand in well for the ones expected over the course of their targeted events. Unfortunately, it tends to be a lot harder to prepare in this way in terms of swimming. Many of the most prestigious triathlons, for example, set their swimming stages in cold, choppy bays that in no way resemble the swimming pools so many athletes do their aquatic training in.

While that can be a disadvantage, it is not the end of the story. The fact is that preparing for the swimming stage of a triathlon is for a great many athletes the most difficult and unsatisfying part of the process. Given this fact, it only makes sense to ensure that every associated detail will be arranged for in the best possible way so that the effects of any swimming-related training setbacks will not be unnecessarily magnified.

One way of doing this is to be sure of lining up a Triathlon Wetsuit Rental that will serve the athlete as well as possible on race day. Relatively few people bother buying their own wet suits, particularly since most will only wear them once or twice a year. A Triathlon Wetsuit Rental is a popular alternative for understandable reasons, but that does not mean that simply sending in sizing information is all that is required.

Instead, most athletes do well to try on a wet suit in person and even to take it out for a few laps in the water. Only through actual experience can a triathlon entrant get an idea as to how the accessory will feel and perform in practice, as many have discovered once their events are already underway.

Even just spending an hour or two with a suit in a local swimming pool is often enough, too. Providers like Urban Tri Gear LLC make this easy and affordable to do, encouraging their customers to make sure everything will be right for race day. Going that extra mile can help to improve the overall quality of the experience.

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