3 Important Benefits of Cardboard Recycling in San Antonio, TX

by | Apr 2, 2018 | Waste Management

Every day, tons of cardboard are used to create enough packing materials and product boxes to fill up hundreds of landfills. However, cardboard is highly recyclable. With that in mind, cardboard recycling in San Antonio TX has become part of residential, industrial, and commercial waste programs. In addition to reducing the amount of waste that needs to be disposed of, recycling programs create jobs. They also help to conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse emissions.

Cardboard Recycling Programs Minimize Waste

It is becoming common for communities to repurpose cardboard, along with plastics and metals, in order to reduce the amount of waste sent to local landfills. Cardboard recycling in San Antonio TX lowers community waste program costs. As the need for landfills decreases they are able to free up more land for commercial and housing uses. They also protect their environment. Although cardboard is biodegradable and breaks down over time, it can contribute to pollution by releasing methane gas during decomposition.

Recycling Cardboard Is Good for the Economy

The growth of local recycling efforts has also been a boost to the U.S. economy because it creates jobs. Each recycling program requires many skilled and unskilled workers. They range from engineers and executives who administer programs to sorters and truck drivers. Studies show that disposing of 10,000 tons of waste using conventional methods creates six jobs. Recycling the same amount of material requires 36 workers. As more people go to work in these well-paying jobs, they spend money, which stimulates the economy.

Re-claiming Cardboard Helps the Planet

Communities that want to begin plant-friendly “green” programs also reach out to cardboard recycling specialists at sites like Tigersanitation.com. Once business, industrial and residential recycling programs are in place, communities help to reduce the number of trees needed to create the paper pulp that goes into cardboard products. That is a big step toward halting deforestation. Recycling also reduces the amount of water needed to create new products. Manufacturers use less energy and produce fewer greenhouse gases when they use existing cardboard rather than virgin tree pulp.

Cardboard recycling is important because it can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. Recycling also boosts local economies, reduces manufacturing pollution, and helps to conserve natural resources. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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