What to Do if Your VW Brakes Are Acting Funny

by | May 7, 2012 | Uncategorized

First, take a look at the discs to make sure that the grooves that can be found all around them do not have anything obviously wrong with them. (If you can’t tell or don’t know what to look for, it may be better to have a Volkswagen repair technician in Austin, TX take a look at them.) If the rotor isn’t the right color, it may be because they are getting too hot, which means you can’t fix this yourself, and you need to take it in.

Next, inspect the pads. They should obviously line up with the grooves on the discs, and if they don’t, that’s your problem. Also make sure they are wearing on all sides at about the same level. If there are any cracks or breaks, you will need to have them replaced.

If your VW has brake drums, make sure there is even wear there, too. If you find that you need to nearly push the brake pedal all the way to the floor, you might have a hydraulic problem that a Volkswagen repair technician can look into for you. If you can pump them up, there are a series of other problems that can be fixed at the shop, from sticky pads to possibly just having low fluid levels.

Not every sound means something ominous, but the tell-tale sounds to listen for include brakes that squeal (not good), or a vibrating noise that may also cause the brake pedal to shake (definitely not good). The former could be anything from worn pads to the presence of dirt, while the latter might mean a condition in which it is unsafe to put off getting your brakes fixed. Never delay fixing your brakes or other Volkswagen repair in Austin, TX. Not only do you put your safety at risk by doing so, but the longer you wait, the more likely it is that the damage will increase and the cost of fixing it will too.

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