Many people are of the opinion that because they have paid into Social Security through payroll deduction that when they suffer a disability, they should be automatically awarded benefits. Nothing could be farther from the truth, at least sixty percent of all claims are denied. If you did not hire a Social Security attorney in Tennessee to help with your initial claim, now is the time to do it.
There are several levels of appeal. You can avail of them to have the initial decision to deny benefits reversed. The appeals process is complex, a lawyer specializing in disability law can be a big help. Winning benefits on appeal is not easy, but a seasoned Social Security attorney in Tennessee can improve your chances of success.
Review the initial decision:
A request to review is the first step in the appeals process. All you are doing is asking for a reconsideration of the initial decision to deny benefits. As nothing has changed, rarely is a claim approved at this stage.
Administrative Law Judge hearing:
If your request for reconsideration is unsuccessful, you have 60 days to request a hearing in the presence of an Administrative Law Judge. Do not expect this to happen overnight, at last count there was well over three-quarters of a million people awaiting a hearing. Although it may take a year or more for you to be invited to a hearing, the wait is worth it. Those represented at this stage by a Social Security attorney in Tennessee have a very good chance of being approved.
Appearing in person, along with your attorney, puts you at a distinct advantage as you can address the concerns of the judge personally. Your attorney will have prepared you to answer questions that can be expected to be asked during the hearing.
For those that are not approved for benefits at the hearing level, if they wish they can ask their case to be reviewed by an Appeals Council. This council will only review a case if they find a flaw in the decision made by the Administrative Law Judge.
If your claim for disability benefits was denied you should consider hiring an experienced Social Security attorney in Tennessee. To discuss your claim, contact the Law Offices of Miller & Drozdowski, P.C. Follow us on Google+.