Seniors Should Take Advantage of Online Banking

by | Mar 21, 2018 | Uncategorized

As we get older, it’s easy to fall behind the times. Seniors have habits that we get into that are hard to break, even when they know they should. One of those habits is not using technology, or even bothering to understand it. Older people feel as if they can’t learn, that technology is for the younger generation, and sometimes they end up being scammed. For a lot of us, that strange number on our caller ID sends us to Google, and the IRS scam makes us actually laugh. Unfortunately, seniors who could be helped by services like online banking think that they have to give up their “real” bank. That’s not the case when the bank is a community bank in Daytona Beach.

Getting Seniors On Board

Internet and even smartphone use is increasing among seniors, and that’s a good thing. Seniors without access to the internet can miss out on important information, but like kids they can be vulnerable to scams. Sitting down and talking with seniors about internet use, can be helpful, as can a talk about online banking. Here are a few ways to get seniors on board.

1. They have access to their account 24/7/365, and can see all transactions in detail.
2. When banking at a community bank that has online banking, they don’t have to give up their brick-and-mortar bank.
3. Bills are paid via electronic transfer instead of a paper check, and they can pay a bill at any time.
4. 30 percent of Americans have had packages and mail stolen. Porch pirates lurk and can steal checkbooks, debit cards, benefit and pension checks. Having direct deposit and using online banking removes pirate bait.

Kids Can Help!

Talk to your parents and grandparents. Sometimes they are ashamed to ask for help, but a tutorial in using online banking and other tech could help scam proof them and protect them from harm. Teach them more than Facebook and Skype, and they’ll be happy that you did.

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