Preparing for an Initial Visit With a Bankruptcy Attorney in Bessemer, AL

by | Jan 28, 2016 | Bankruptcy Attorney

Being in debt can overwhelm a person. Having to pay old debts in addition to new debts plus everyday living expenses can be stressful. Toet out of this type of situation, it’s beneficial to see a bankruptcy attorney in Bessemer, AL. It’s favorable to prepare so the visit will be calm and productive. These tips can assist with the preparation task.

Prior to visiting a bankruptcy attorney in Bessemer, AL ensure that all client intake forms are completely filled out. Don’t skip a question because it does not pertain to you. Put “n/a” for the answer on such a question. Some questions may seem a bit personal in nature. However, a lawyer will need to know the events that lead to a person being in debt. This can help a lawyer decide whether he or she wants to have the person as a client. It can also assist a lawyer in building a case. Return these forms to the lawyer at least a few days before the first visit.

It’s also important to have the right documents and forms. The lawyer will likely have a list of items to bring to the first visit. Some of these include the last three years’ tax returns, the last six months’ bank statements and last six months’ mortgage payments. A potential client will also need g to provide proof of payments on all debts for the last few months. Any written or verbal correspondence with creditors for the last few months should be mentioned when possible.

Before seeing a bankruptcy lawyer, compile a list of questions. Some subjects these questions should address include bankruptcy procedures and current bankruptcy laws. Make a list of questions the lawyer is likely to ask and practice answering these at home so responses can be delivered in a clear, concise manner. It’s helpful to bring another person with you to the first meeting. This person can jot down answers to questions so you can concentrate on the meeting.

Getting help for debt does not have to be embarrassing. On the contrary, this action can help a person establish better relations with lenders and help a person get a fresh financial start in life. For information on bankruptcy laws, speak to a professional at Forstman & Cutchen LLP. This law practice can handle numerous services to help clients lead better lives.

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