Help Me Sell My Company In Jacksonville, FL – Tips For Small Business Owners

by | Feb 28, 2018 | Business

Often when small business owners ask business brokers to “help me sell my company,” what they mean is they have tried to sell their business and are not having any luck.

This lack of interest in any small business in Jacksonville, FL, can be due to one or more factors. Often, particularly with a small business, it is lack of advertising in the right place. There may also be issues with the asking price for the business that may be outside of the actual value of the business.

There may also be a lack of organization and information provided by the business owner to help prospective buyers to understand things like profit and loss statements, vendor and customer contracts and other relevant aspects of the operation of the business and the potential for the company.

What To Do

For any small business owner, the ideal process is to go to a business broker before doing anything else. Explain to the professional that you need help to sell my company and provide any information relevant to the sale amount or the business is worth.

Typically, the broker will meet with you several times, including completing a valuation of the business. This will provide a clear picture of the worth of the business, which is a starting point for choosing a reasonable asking price.

You may also find that you will need to do some additional work to bring contracts up to date, to organize the documentation and to formalize informal agreements with customers and suppliers. While this may seem unimportant, it will be critical for sale.

In Jacksonville, FL, a top business broker can also help with the question, “Can you sell my company?” Working with the broker will enhance your business and improve the business potential of prospective buyers.

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