Considering Cosmetology School? Here are Some Questions and Answers

by | Mar 11, 2014 | beauty & Cosmetology

7281579_xl-Pretty face of beautiful young womanCosmetology is an industry that will always be in demand. Because people desire to look and feel beautiful regardless of other trends that may come and go, this is a great career path to consider. If you currently are considering enrolling in cosmetology school, Virginia based institutions are now accepting new students. However, it’s natural to have some questions before making this potentially life changing decision. We’ve chosen to highlight a few common FAQs to hopefully provide you with more insight on this education option.

How Long Will It Take?
The answer to this question will depend on many different factors, but some courses can be completed in as little as five weeks while others will take up to 43 weeks. Various elements that can play a role in the length of your education can include: type of course, complexity of training, number of classes required and whether or not hybrid classes are available. Until you speak with a representative from the cosmetology school you’re considering, you will not know for sure how long your education will take to complete.

Will I Be Prepared?
Cosmetology school combines traditional learning with hands-on training, meaning you’ll get to work directly with clients before you ever even step foot into a salon. This will not only provide you with the skills you need to effectively do your job, but it’s also a major confidence boost for anyone who has never had experience working in a professional environment before. It could be the jumpstart you need to build a solid client base or who knows? Maybe you’ll open your own salon one day!

What Will I Learn?
From general cosmetology to nail technology, you’ll truly be able to pursue a career that you’re most passionate about. These schools allow you to choose a course path that focuses in on one element of cosmetology, making you a true specialist at your craft. You’ll learn the science behind the treatments you’re providing and how to properly – and safely – administer them. In fact, many people are often surprised to learn how complex and interesting this seemingly simple industry can be!

Considering enrolling in beauty school? Visit to learn more about their program offerings, including massage therapy, professional esthetics, spa wellness and aromatherapy. Financial aid is available on select courses to those who qualify.

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