Avoid These Mistakes When Decorating Your Condo

by | Jan 5, 2017 | Real Estate

You have finally signed the papers on one of the condos on the Upper East Side and are eager to move in and start decorating. The first thing you need to remember, however, is that decorating a condo is not the same as decorating a house. There are a few mistakes that you don’t want to make when decorating your condo for the first time. Read on below for a few of them to help you get started.

You Don’t Create a Budget

Not creating a budget for decorating one of the condos on the Upper East Side that you just purchased is a disaster waiting to happen. The rule of thumb is that your budget for decoration should be equal to your first month’s payment. Face it though, who can actually afford that? Instead, you need to set a budget for decorating that you can live with, without having to eat Ramen noodles for the remainder of the month. There are many great places online and offline where you can find deals that will help you to decorate your condo, without breaking the bank at the same time.

You Buy New Furniture All in One Trip

It is always best to finish up furnishing your rooms a little at the time. You don’t want your condo to end up looking like something out of a furniture ad in the New York Times do you? Besides, don’t you want to be surrounded by furniture you love, not just furniture that is filling up space in your home?

These are just a few of the mistakes that you don’t want to make when decorating your first condo. For more information on buying that new condo to begin with, contact the professionals at 200 E 62 now.

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