A Facility That Offers The Best Dog Training in Chicago, IL And Makes Your Family Pet Even More Loveable

by | Nov 16, 2013 | Dogs

Many pet owners understand the love and friendship that is shared between their family and their pet. Their dog is not just a dog but an equal member of the family. However, some dogs can be over zealous when company comes to the house by jumping on guest or barking excessively. They can display behavior that is unwanted and unnecessary and totally embarrassing. Training your dog can be arduous and time consuming. Well now you can get the help you need at a cost you can afford. You can get that training for your dog at a facility that offers the Best Dog Training in Chicago IL. That facility is the Chicago Canine Academy.

In operation for more than 19 years Chicago Canine Academy has been helping families support their dogs by living their best life and by providing training to assist with behavior, physical and emotional problems.

As dog owners we have wondered why our dogs act out or seem rebellious. Well at Chicago Canine Academy they shed light on a dog’s behavior being linked to the owner’s behavior as well as a restricted environment. They teach communication skills between owner and pet and provide tools and ideas for encouragement and discipline.

This encouragement and discipline begins with their highly sought after Boot Camp. This two week training session trains your dog on how to react in different environments. It focuses on behavior and the program can be customized to address any specific issue. Boarding and meals are included in the program at no additional cost. Owners are excluded from the first week of training but can participate in the second week. In addition to the Boot Camp, private sessions and group classes are also available.

Chicago Canine Academy also offers boarding and daycare at great rates for any budget. Packages are available for dogs that have special dietary needs or restrictions. Grooming is also available at an additional cost. Their facility is large enough to ensure your dog sufficient space to run and exercise. Contact them today and visit the number one facility that offers the Best Dog Training in Chicago, IL.

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