What Are the Basic Signs and Symptoms of TBI?

by | Aug 1, 2016 | Law

Traumatic brain injury (also known as TBI) can go from mild to severe. Symptoms can immediately appear in some cases, or take days or weeks in others.

Mild TBI

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says physical symptoms for this include nausea or vomiting, unexpected fatigue or drowsiness, difficulty falling asleep, sleeping more than usual, loss of balance, confusion or disorientation, being dazed, as well as losing consciousness for a brief time. Some also complain of sensory problems like ringing in the ear, changes in their ability to smell, blurred vision, and even a heightened sensitivity to light or sound. Mental symptoms range from depression and anxiety to moodiness and having trouble with memory or concentration.

Moderate to Severe TBI

Aside from loss of consciousness that can go from minutes to hours, symptoms also include nagging headaches, headaches that gradually worsen, constant vomiting and nausea, clear fluids draining from the nose or ears, inability to wake up, complete loss of muscle coordination, numbing sensations in your fingers or toes, dilated pupils, convulsions, and seizures. Mental symptoms, on the other hand, include deep confusion, agitation, slurred speech, or an inability to communicate coherently. In some cases, victims fall unconscious or go into a coma.


Any time you find yourself or a loved one suffering from any of these symptoms following an accident, make sure you see a doctor right away. Seek out a proper diagnosis so that you know the extent of the damage and what treatments are necessary.

Legal Help

If the TBI was the result of an accident caused by someone else, then you’re entitled to compensation. Seek out legal help to find out how you or a loved one can receive the financial assistance you need along with the peace of mind you deserve by bringing those responsible for your accident and injuries to justice.

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