Understanding more about partial knee resurfacing

by | Nov 7, 2016 | Healthcare

For people who have trouble walking without pain or discomfort, partial knee resurfacing may hold the solution. This procedure involves the restoration of only one damaged compartment in the knee. It is an excellent alternative for individuals who may not need a full on knee replacement surgery. Understanding more about partial knee resurfacing can assist you in deciding whether to pursue this treatment option.

Smaller incision

A partial knee resurfacing procedure doesn’t need as much of an incision as traditional knee surgery. Instead, only a 2 to 3 inch incision is used to access to damaged portion of the knee. The smaller incision allows for faster healing and is a less invasive method of repairing the knee. For individuals experiencing chronic knee issues, partial knee resurfacing can provide just the right solutions.

Who needs partial knee resurfacing?

Individuals who have been affected by osteoarthritis can benefit from this procedure. Some of the symptoms that indicate that surgical intervention may be needed include experiencing pain while walking or standing, the knee giving out during activity, or the knee not responding to non surgical remedies like rest and physical therapy.

What to expect from the procedure

With partial knee resurfacing, only the damaged area of the knee joint will be removed and replaced which leaves all of the healthy bone and tissue intact. The surgery will involve anesthesia being given to the patient and then the surgeon makes an incision of between 3 to 5 inches. Once the damaged bone has been removed, a part made of plastic or metal is placed on the knee. The opening will be stitched closed once the surgery has been finished.

Types of partial knee replacement surgery

There are different types of partial knee replacement surgery which an individual may be a candidate for. It is important to get a complete diagnostic exam to determine the best option for your needs.

At St. Margaret’s Hospital, we provide partial knee resurfacing for individuals in pain and in need of this type of intensive treatment. Visit us online for more information at website. Call us to make an appointment for a consultation at (815) 664-5311. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.

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