The Purpose and Benefits of Sewers

by | Dec 3, 2013 | Home & Garden

Sewers are an essential part of modern living, but in fact they date back over more than two thousand years. The Harappa people were the first to allegedly formulate the concept of a sewer, but it was a concept that took many years to reach Europe. One of the major problems that countries like England had with sewage caused many diseases, such as cholera and typhoid. During the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries England was pretty much a cesspool of smelly, dirty filth that was left out in the streets to rot. The stench was probably more than some people could stand but it wasn’t until later centuries that people finally grasped the concept of the underground sewer.

Early versions of sewers were quite crude in the sense that they didn’t allow for treatment of the contaminants. They simply carried them away to surface waters and open waters. After outcries about public health, the underground combined sewer was the next thing on the agenda and has the industrial revolution took over it was becoming apparent that there were subsidiary inventions needed to back up the growth and industrialization.

Combined sewers collect both types of sewage, from solid and liquid as well as storm and drain run-off. It carries all the sewage in one single pipe system which then filters off the different components to filter them into appropriate channels for treatment.

Sewer cleaning in Long Island might involve the cleaning of a public sewer or the sanitation of a cesspool type sewage system in someone’s home. The difference with public sewage systems and private ‘off the grid’ sewage systems is that those people who don’t have such systems have to install septic tanks and overflow fields into their properties so that their sewage is stored and removed safely. This generally involves a sewer cleaning every two years as well as regular maintenance to avoid clogging and blockage problems.

The Major Benefits of Public Sewers

There do seem to be more benefits to having your drains and sewers attached to the local city system, simply for the fact that once the sewage leaves your home it is no longer your responsibility. Having the city—despite having to pay taxes for it—to take your sewage away to treatment plants allows you to avoid the hassle of cleaning and maintaining your own system.

For professional sewer cleaning in Long Island, contact for a list of the services they offer and their prices.

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