Choosing the Right Coffee Maker for Your Office

by | May 19, 2017 | Food

Coffee has become a necessity of the office place. With so many flavors and options to choose from, there is a right coffee for every employee. Choosing a coffee maker is just as important office decision. Coffee makers ensure that the majority of employees always have access to their favorite brew. Following is a short list of different coffee makers to help you choose the right one for your workplace.

Single Serve

Single serve coffee makers make coffee one serving at a time. The added benefit of a smaller size, makes it a popular maker for offices. These are convenient and usable for offices of any scale. Single serve coffee flavors create a customizable option for all employees. These can be leased through your office coffee supplier in Los Angeles or other locations.

Commercial Automatic

A commercial automatic coffee maker is also a good option for offices. Like a single serve, these can be leased through your coffee supplier as well. These typically use a coffee pot when making coffee. The pots sit on a warmer, and once brewed, can be consumed over time.  Obviously, these are not customizable as one pot of coffee is brewed for all. There are models with one, two, or several pots which can be brewed independently.

Vending Machine

Coffee vending machines are also a possible choice to consider for your office. These can be rather large and can take up a significant amount of space though, so you need to be sure that the space is there. The machines can offer more choices than most coffee makers. The coffee comes out hot and in a disposable cup. One major consideration would be if you are wanting to make the employee pay for the coffee, rather than a free perk while working in the office.

If you are looking for an office coffee supplier in Los Angeles and surrounding areas, visit Workwell.

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