4 Common Types of Injuries in Slip and Fall Cases

by | Oct 5, 2017 | Law

Slip and fall accidents account for about 8 million visits to the emergency room in the United States and for about 85 percent of worker’s compensation claims, says the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI).  The following are common types of injuries that can result from a slip and fall:

Soft Tissue Injuries

It is easy to overlook these injuries since they do not often result in visible marks. Also, soft tissue injuries may take time to develop and are not easily self-diagnosed.  However, failure to seek out treatment can exacerbate the condition and lead to chronic pain. Therefore, it is good idea to see a doctor after a bad slip and fall.

Head Injuries

Some people dismiss minor head injuries, but that may be a dangerous mistake. Getting to the emergency room as soon as possible is wise. In some cases, major head trauma may have no initial physical symptoms. By the time symptoms start to surface, some of the damage may be irreversible and sometimes fatal.

Broken Bones

May people suffer fractured bones as a result of a slip and falls. In fact, falls account for about 87 percent of all fractures for people over the age of 65. It is also the second leading cause of injuries, such as brain injury and spinal cord injury in the same age category.

Spinal Cord Injuries

A bad slip and fall or tumble down the stairs can result in considerable damage to the spinal cord. These are typically life-threatening injuries that require immediate medical attention and treatment by a qualified neurologist and/or orthopedic doctor.  These types of injuries may need years of treatment and therefore it is important to obtain treatment as soon as possible.

Finding Help

If you or a loved is involved in an accident due to someone’s negligence, you might be eligible to file a claim and/or lawsuit. Speak to slip fall attorneys in Los Angeles, so you can become educated regarding your legal options going forward.

Essential Reminders

It is important to remember that each state has a statute of limitations or cut-off time to file a lawsuit which begins to run on the date of the accident. Engage the services of experienced slip and fall attorneys in Los Angeles, so you will have the best chance to file your lawsuit timely and obtain an award to compensate you for your damages.

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